0 ) { echo links_for_list( $my_kids, " • \n", "", "" ); } } ?>
0 ) { echo $the_trail; } ?>

\n"; echo "
\n"; echo ""; echo "Please select a county or region to list => \n"; echo "\n  "; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; } ?>

The page can't list any schools—
no valid county or region is selected.

List of the schools in
with students in grades 6–12.

Error opening $school_db_filename.
"; } else { // begin CSV file opened okay -- process it. // Throw away the first line (column headers) in the CSV $temp = fgetcsv( $school_db_handle ); $count_of_schools = 0; $count_of_high_schools = 0; // Process until we reach the end of the CSV. while ( !feof( $school_db_handle ) ) { // begin while ( !feof( $school_db_handle ) ) $one_school = fgetcsv( $school_db_handle ); $county_number = $one_school[$column_county_number]; $grade_start = trim( $one_school[$column_grade_start] ); $grade_end = trim( $one_school[$column_grade_end] ); $grade_number = intval( $grade_start ) + 16 * intval( $grade_end ); $grade_sort = sprintf( '%02x', $grade_number ); if ( in_array( $county_number, $selected_county_numbers ) && $grade_end >= $minimum_grade_end ) { // begin County and grades meet request. // Arrange the three possible pieces of street address // into the two we need. // Start by appending the pieces that exist to an empty array. $postal_address = array(); if ( strlen( $one_school[$column_p_o_box] ) > 0 ) { $postal_address[] = trim( $one_school[$column_p_o_box] ); } if ( strlen( $one_school[$column_pref_street] ) > 0 ) { $postal_address[] = trim( $one_school[$column_pref_street] ); } elseif ( strlen( $one_school[$column_2nd_street] ) > 0 ) { $postal_address[] = trim( $one_school[$column_2nd_street] ); } // Then retrieve the first two pieces that exist. $street_1 = ""; $street_2 = ""; if ( count( $postal_address ) > 0 ) { $street_1 = $postal_address[0]; } if ( count( $postal_address ) > 1 ) { $street_2 = $postal_address[1]; } // Copy the other items to variables for easier reference. $county_name = $one_school[$column_county_name]; $school_name = $one_school[$column_school_name]; $city = $one_school[$column_city]; $state = $one_school[$column_state]; $zipcode = $one_school[$column_zipcode]; // Now build the table row with the data. echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; if ( $street_2 == "" ) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } echo ""; echo ""; // Insert the ISEF Regional Fair. echo ""; echo "\n"; // Increment the school counts. $count_of_schools += 1; if ( $grade_end >= $minimum_high_school_grade_end ) { $count_of_high_schools += 1; } } // end County and grades meet request. } // end while ( !feof( $school_db_handle ) ) } // end CSV file opened okay -- process it. ?>
School Name
Street Address
" . $school_name . "" . $county_name . "" . "" . $grade_sort . "" . $grade_start . "–" . $grade_end . "" . $street_1 . "" . $street_1 . "
" . $street_2. "
" . $city . "" . $zipcode . ""; if ( in_array( $county_number, $eisef_county_numbers ) ) echo "EISEF"; elseif ( in_array( $county_number, $wisef_county_numbers ) ) echo "WISEF"; else echo "ESDSEF"; echo "


Number of schools listed:
Number of high schools listed (grades 9–12):

Source of school names and addresses:

 2015-2016 Iowa Public School Building Directory
 2015-2016 Iowa Non-Public School Building Directory

available on the Iowa Department of Education Iowa School District Directories page.

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Copyright © 1999–2011 Eastern Iowa Science and Engineering Fair (EISEF). All rights reserved.
This page last modified: Saturday September 05, 2015.