ISEF Rules Directory
The ISEF web site is a sprawling place, where it can be tough to find the page or form you're looking for. To help you out, here are links to some important or key pages, with a brief explanation of why you might want to visit them.
ISEF Rules and Guidelines. This page links to all of ISEF’s rules and guidance.
2022 Rule Clarifications & Changes. This document describes the latest ISEF rules changes.
Overview of Forms and Dates. This lists and describes all of the ISEF forms; it gives tips on how and when to fill them out.
Operational Guidelines for Scientific Review Committees (SRC) and Institutional Review Boards (IRB). Six pages of detailed instructions on how to set up and run an SRC and/or IRB at your school.
Intel ISEF Rules Wizard guides you in choosing which forms you need to fill out and submit for your exhibit.
Common Scientific Research Committee (SRC) Problems means just that: it outlines common pitfalls with projects and paperwork so you can avoid them. Here are its subsections:
Top Five Intel ISEF Paperwork Problems
Top Five Intel ISEF SRC Problems (Guaranteed to require an interview)
Top 10 SRC Problems from Regional SRC Reports
Intel ISEF categories and subcategories. ISEF has 21 research categories; EISEF combines these into just two. The ISEF category descriptions contain extra detail that may help you decide what EISEF category your project belongs in.