Privacy Policy

EISEF Privacy Policy Overview

When the Eastern Iowa Science and Engineering Fair collects your private personal information, we use it only as needed to run the Fair. We never sell your information to anybody for any reason. We don’t share it with anybody except as needed for running the Fair (meaning, we provide student names and addresses to Award Sponsors, if they ask, so they can send awards to the winners).

When we say “Private Personal Information”, we mean personal identifying information which a stranger would normally not know, including your home address, phone number, and email address. We don’t consider other information private, such as your name, school, and grade in school. Certainly your name and picture are “personal information”; but EISEF is a public event, and we publicize the people who take part in it and what they have accomplished. By taking part in the Fair, you agree to this publicity.

When we say we “Publish” information, we mean in press releases, in the booklet distributed at the Fair, and on the EISEF website (

In short, we tell people who you are (by publishing your name, school, and photo), but not how to find you (your home address, phone number, or email address).

When we publish information to our website, it will stay there indefinitely. People will be able to read about and see what you did at the Fair for many years to come.

Specifics for each type of participant


Judges and other volunteers

Award sponsors
