Frequently asked questions

What is the EISEF?

The Eastern Iowa Science and Engineering Fair is a regional science fair affiliated with the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). Its ISEF ID is USIA01.

When and Where is the EISEF?

The fair will be held on Saturday, March 15, 2025 at Lindale Mall in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

What do all these terms mean?

We use a lot of abbreviations and special words. The Glossary page has definitions for them.

Who runs EISEF?

Visit the Board of Directors to see EISEF’s personnel. EISEF is an entirely volunteer run organization.

During the Fair “season”, September through March, we meet on the first Thursday of every month (most of them). Our Calendar of Events shows the meeting dates for this season.

Can you please remove me from the EISEF website?

So, recently you searched for your name and found it on the EISEF website. People can go there and see what you looked like back then, the science fair project you did (that you may or may not be proud of today), and what school you attended. Now for whatever reason, you want us to erase those public records from your past.

The answer is “No”: we won’t remove your photos or any other records of you at EISEF.

Why? When you registered with EISEF, you agreed to our Privacy Policy. It clearly says that we will publish your name and photo (among other things) to our website, and that they will stay there indefinitely. There is value to EISEF in retaining the history of the science fair, and we are proud to have you as part of that history.

How do you pronounce "EISEF" and "ISEF"?

Acronym Name Pronunciation

EISEF Eastern Iowa Science & Engineering Fair “EE-sef”

ISEF International Science & Engineering Fair “EYE-sef”

SSTFI State Science & Technology Fair of Iowa “the State Fair” or just “State”

What are the different EISEF awards?

In each division, we present the following Class Awards:

We select the best Junior exhibits as Junior Champions.

We select the best Senior exhibits as Senior Champions, who will represent us at ISEF.

We also present Participation Achievement Awards to individual students who have participated in EISEF 4, 5, 6, and 7 times.

Can I receive more than one award?

Oh, yes.

How do I register my Junior (grades 6-8) project?

Complete the Student Registration Form and submit it; print the EISEF Signature Page, sign it, and have your adult sponsor also sign it.

Email your signed paperwork to EISEF by the registration deadline: February 16, 2025.

How do I register my Senior (grades 9-12) project?

Complete the Student Registration Form and submit it; print the EISEF Signature Page, sign it, and have your adult sponsor.

Email your signed paperwork to EISEF by the registration deadline: February 16, 2025.

Is my project biological or physical?

What if I can’t figure out which category (biological or physical) my project belongs in?

Contact our Safety & Standards Committee (see the Contact Us page) and we’ll help you figure it out. We’ll also contact your adult sponsor if we have questions about your project.

What forms do senior projects need?

Where do I find the paperwork required by ISEF that senior projects must submit?

On the Forms Guide.

When is the deadline for registering my project with EISEF?

For the 2025 Fair, you must register no later than February 16, 2025.

Where do send my signed entry form and certificates?

Email your signed paperwork to EISEF.

What if my registration is late?

What can I do if I’m late registering my project with EISEF? Will you still accept it?

The Student and Teachers page describes how to register for the Fair, including how to deal with late registrations.

School Fairs Vs EISEF

Our our school science fair falls after the EISEF deadline. Can we still send our winners to EISEF?

Yes. Phone the Safety & Standards Committee at the number listed on the Contact Us page and tell us how many students you will be sending. When your fair is complete, call and tell us which students you will be sending, then quickly register those students.

Do I have to be in a qualifying Science Fair to be eligible to exhibit at EISEF?

No. We may be the first fair you attend. However, the more fairs that you attend, the better your presentation will become.

Who can help me with my forms?

There is no one at my school to help me register with EISEF, what can I do? There are certificates and such to get signed, who will review them?

Contact our Safety & Standards Committee (see the Contact Us page) for any review of your paperwork.

How will I know if you've accepted my project?

In general, no news is good news. If we have questions about your project, we’ll contact your adult sponsor.

Status of Projects page lists all the project we’ve received so far and tells whether they’re Pending (no paperwork received yet) or Accepted (everything is in order).

What is EISEF's registration fee?

How much does it cost to register a project at EISEF?

We charge you no fee to register, or for anything else.

Fair Day Conflicts/Leaving Early

There is a onflicting event (band contest, speech contest, etc.) that I should attend on Fair Day. Is there a way I can do both?

Give us a call and we’ll see if the schedules can fit together.

I need to leave the Fair before the Awards Ceremony. Can I leave early and still win awards?

Only if you tell us beforehand that you’ll be leaving.

After the Student Meeting (at 9:00 AM) return to Student Check-in and give us your name, exhibit number, reason for leaving, and approximate time. You should bring your Adult Sponsor or parent with you, so we know that they know you’re planning to leave.

If during the day an emergency forces you to leave, your Adult Sponsor should report this to Student Check-in or EISEF HQ as soon as possible.

With this information, we’ll know to save any awards you receive and mail them to you after the Fair.

If you leave without telling us, you will forfeit your awards — we won’t save them and mail them to you.

How can I contact a judge I met at EISEF?

So, when you attended EISEF, a judge said they might help you in some way, for example:

Now you want to check out their offer, and you want us to tell you their address.

To protect your privacy and the judges’ privacy, we don’t just hand out addresses, in either direction. We have some hoops for you to jump through to establish contact:

How can I contact a student I met at EISEF?

So, when you judged at EISEF, you met a student you want to help in some way, such as:

Now you want to present your offer to them, and you need us to tell you how to contact them.

To protect your privacy and the students’ privacy, we don’t just hand out addresses, in either direction. We have some hoops for you to jump through to establish contact:

Lindale Mall Info

How do I get to Lindale Mall in Cedar Rapids?

Here is Lindale Mall’s web site, plus a map and directions from various places in eastern Iowa.

Is there an emergency number that we can call on Fair Day to contact someone at the Mall about EISEF?

Lindale Mall Security: (319) 431–4755.

Fair Day Schedule

What is the overall schedule for March 15, 2025? What happens when?

You can find out on the Schedule for Fair Day page.

What do I say when the judge comes?

You should start by introducing yourself and thanking them for judging your project. At that point, the judge will probably ask you to describe your project. They will ask you questions pertaining to your project:

These are just a few of the questions the judge may ask you.

Above all, however, enjoy the experience of presenting your project to the judge. They are there to help you learn even more from your project, and to applaud your efforts of conducting scientific research.

What should I wear to EISEF?

EISEF has no dress code as such. You should wear clothes that will let people know you are a serious student and you take the competition seriously.

What’s more, people will be taking pictures all during the Fair: during the Orientation session, at the exhibits, during the Awards Ceremony. We’ll post many of these pictures to our web site, and some may even appear in your hometown newspaper. (Read our Privacy Policy.) Take a look at the pictures we’ve posted for previous Fairs. Imagine searching the web years from now and finding a picture of yourself on our web site. What would you like to see?

Will we have time for shopping while we're at Lindale?

Yes. From 1:00 PM until 5:00 PM you should plan to spend every other half-hour at your exhibit so you can visit with potential judges. The rest of the time you can cruise the Mall. 

Why do you make us stand all morning?

We don’t give you a chair until late morning for 2 reasons, both related to safety:

So, you’ll be standing most of the morning at EISEF. Make sure to wear shoes that are made for standing.

But what if I really need a chair?

If you have a medical need for a chair, you may ask for a chair when you check in, and we’ll supply one.

Could you shorten EISEF?

We understand that EISEF makes for a long day: those of you from Jefferson and Lee counties board your buses at 6 AM and return home at nearly 11 PM. (It’s a long day for us organizers, too!)

Some of you have asked about a shorter EISEF, with judging in the early afternoon, quickly followed by the awards ceremony. For several reasons this is impractical, or impossible:

In any case, we already shortened the Fair once — before you students were born. Before 1984, EISEF was a 2-day fair. We cut it to 1 day, partly because the teachers asked for a shorter fair.…

EISEF dates vs. local spring breaks

How do we start a science fair at our school?

Email and ask for help. We can provide insight into what it takes to hold a fair.

And here are some guides we found on the web:

Other Regional Fairs

EISEF’s territory doesn’t include my school. Is there a fair that does?

The Western Iowa Science and Engineering Fair in Fort Dodge is the ISEF-affiliated regional fair that covers the schools and students in Iowa west of EISEF’s territory. This year’s WISEF is scheduled for March 23, 2024. For more information, visit the WISEF Facebook Page or visit the ISEF Affiliated Fairs page.

I live in another region of Iowa; can I attend EISEF?

The rules for the the International Science & Engineering Fair say:

“6. Students may compete in only one Intel ISEF affiliated fair, except when proceeding to a state/national fair affiliated with the Intel ISEF from an affiliated regional fair.”

What that means to you in Iowa:

So how do I get permission to attend EISEF instead of my home fair?

Do I have to go to EISEF before the State Fair?

Do I have to attend and win at a regional fair (like EISEF) to register my exhibit in the State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa (SSTFI) in Ames?

No. The SSTFI has its own requirements which you must meet. Visit its website for more information.

When and where will ISEF be?

May 10–16, 2025, in Columbus, Ohio. Visit the ISEF Website for more information.

How can I help EISEF?

My organization wants to help put on EISEF. What can we do?

Our Volunteers page has more information.

My organization wants to sponsor an award at EISEF. How can we do this?

Award Signup has more information.

How can I give money to EISEF?

Visit our Contributors page for more information.

Do you let parents or adult sponsors judge?

No, not anymore.

You may ask, “Even if I judge a different division from my child or students?”  No, not even then.

It’s noble that you want to help us: in general, more judges make for better judging. But in the past when we’ve allowed (or asked) parents/teachers to judge, we’ve had problems:

So, no: because you have participating students, we can’t let you judge. However, there are many other ways you can volunteer to help us, and we need your help!

Do I have to pass a background check to work at EISEF?

Updated Background Check policies for 2025 on background check page under judges and volunteers

Can you change EISEF's date so it's not during spring break?

People ask us a lot to move EISEF so it doesn’t collide with spring break at the local schools and colleges; many people have other plans then, so they can’t exhibit at the Fair or help us run it.

The short answer to this plea is, “Not really.” A longer answer is, “We can’t realistically move EISEF to a date that won’t fall during spring break.” Keep reading for the full details.

Dates and history

In eastern Iowa, spring break falls in the middle of March. Table 1 shows the actual or planned dates for the U of I, ISU, and 2 local public school districts.

EISEF has fallen on the 3rd Saturday of March since at least 1984, when we shortened the Fair to one day. Table 1 below shows just how perfectly this date collides with spring break each year.

Suggested alternative dates for EISEF

2nd Saturday in March

Table 1 shows that moving to this date doesn’t help much: 5 years in 6 it falls on spring break’s first weekend; only 1 year in 6 is collision-free.

1st Saturday in March or a Saturday in late February

Earlier Saturdays may not coincide with spring break; but they can be too early for our students to complete their projects and register them with us. We require them to register 3 weeks before the Fair Date: mid- to early-February with this imagined Fair Date. At that point, many students are still running their experiments and won’t be ready to register.

A later Saturday in March

This risks colliding with the State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa (SSTFI) in Ames. Here are some fun facts about its date:


We can’t think of an alternative date that works better for our students and volunteers than the 3rd Saturday in March.

Maybe you can think of one. If so, make your case to us:

Better yet, attend an EISEF Board meeting or two, share your proposal with us, and work with us to make it happen.